We, the members of The Epsilon Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. are excited to announce our 2nd Annual Black & Old Gold Gala. We are soliciting you to actually help sponsor our event. It will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at the newly remodeled Bolivar County Expo Center in the beautiful city of Cleveland, Mississippi.
The purpose of the gala is two-fold: to recognize individuals and organizations for excelling in their respective fields while exhibiting exceptional deeds toward the progress of all mankind; and to raise funds that will go toward our various scholarships and community service initiatives that benefit our fellow community stakeholders in their effort to achieve higher social, economic, and intellectual status.
There will be a VIP reception for our top-tier sponsors beginning at 6:06 p.m. along with our main stream silent auction. The gala will commence at 7:06 p.m. allowing admittance to the general public. Please see the following documents for further details.
Our chapter service area is composed of Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, and Sunflower counties, in which we are active members. During the years, we have remained committed to our Fraternity’s motto- First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All. For example, we have produced over hundreds of hours of community service. We launched our Premier College Prep Academy mentoring program for senior males pursuing post-secondary education which we sponsor seniors to attend our District Leadership Conference called LDCEI Wall/ Jones Summer Initiative at Alcorn University. We also established partnerships with other organizations for a common goal of improving our communities. We partner with Delta State University Student Affairs during their fall freshman/ new student orientation with “Live & Lit on Leflore Block Party” and Boss Lady Dr. Pam Chatman community outreach projects throughout the counties we cover. We established the Mississippi Delta Community College Brother Dr. Tyrone Jackson Presidential Scholarship for students abroad. We partnership with Coahoma Community College with campus events and our Brother Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Brunch is held there every year. We also assist with the local “Shop with a Cop” at our local Walmart stores during Christmas with local law enforcement agencies within our various counties we cover. We help raise funds for the Mississippi Babies March of Dimes through road blocks in several counties we cover. From those efforts and many others, our chapter was recognized throughout the counties for 73 years of existence, service, and scholarship from various organizations such as the Warren-Washington-Issaquena-Sharkey Community Action Agency and Coleman Middle School in Greenville, Mississippi this year.
Please explore our chapter’s website to review more details about us. Thank you in advance for being a contributor to our Black & Old Gold Gala!
In the spirit of kind regards, I am,
Edward H. Hill
Brother Edward H. Hill, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Epsilon Xi Lambda Chapter 2024- 2025